Friday, November 12, 2010

Dusting off a few rabbit trails.

Since I haven't been writing for NaNo like I'd hoped (yeah, you read that - hoped; I had no particular zest behind it this year), I've been cleaning up a few loose ends of stories that have been swirling around between my ears.

  • a poem to my grandfather
  • The Reproductive Habits of Lagomorpha leporidae pulvilagus
  • several blogs (I write three...happy hunting!)
  • journaling - I can't tell you how long it's been since I've journaled; there's a lot going on right now
I have a short list of story ideas still to be fleshed out. Wonder if these little tidbits can be part of my NaNo word count? It's writing, after all... And who knows - maybe my novel's not actually about Achilles? Maybe it's a psychological study of a writer...!

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