Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Man is distinguished from all other creatures by the faculty of laughter.

But I'm not laughing.
I'm cringing and squirming uncomfortably in my easy chair.
Don't get me wrong - I love furry pets and small woodland creatures.
But unless they're acting as furry pets or small woodland creatures, they have no place in marketing.

It all started a few years ago with the Quizno's Abomination. That...thing wasn't even recognizable as "animal" - it was a patchy conglomeration of roadkill bits at best. And they were hoping that that roadkill, through a series of grisly noises and stop-motion animations, would convince me to buy their over-priced sub sandwiches. Mmm, mmm, good!

Lately, KIA has jumped on the Quizno's bandwagon. Anthropomorphized hamsters will not sell cars. Even if they sport bling and rap. I don't care who you are. It will not work. Also, it will not give your kids warm-fuzzy feelings about the teddy bear hamster you're getting them for Christmas. Better start inventing bedtime stories about hamster-free worlds of gumdrops and unicorns now.

Someone somewhere in the deepest recesses of the pistachio business decided that the best way to boost sales of pistachios (the original low-fat snack...really? I had no idea. I thought it was Baked Lays.) was to run TV commercials. Ok. I can see the logic there: Monday Night Football fans are interested in snacking. Naturally low-fat is a bonus. However, instead of using things that appeal to MNF fans (ie: naked women, big burly beards, beer, and SouthPark), the pistachio marketing geniuses (genii?) featured a football player, Charlie Brown, and a cat.
Yes, a cat. Not even a fakey computer-manipulated cat. This cat is real, it's wearing an oversized t-shirt, it's playing a piano, its paws are being moved by human hands "hiding" under the shirt, and this cat is pissed. I NEED PISTACHIOS!

*Disclaimer: I am by no means insisting that I am a marketing genius or that my ideas are always brilliant enough to rake in gleaming piles of loot. However, I am a consumer. I buy things. I look at ads. I am moved by marketing schemes. Whether you move me to purchase your product, throw up, or look up a psychiatrist in the YellowPages is your choice. Choose well!

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